
vrijdag 14 oktober 2016

Winter in the Netherlands

Today, I am posting three paintings instead of one. These three are part of one whole. Together they try to capture the atmosphere of winter in the Netherlands.

woensdag 12 oktober 2016

Winter sailing, winter quietness

Often, I hear people say: such a shame that summer is over, I enjoyed sailing so much! Or: ‘I am glad that I live in California/Malaysia/some other warm country, so I can continue sailing all year long. Some people seem to assume that sailing is impossible during the wintertime! But they couldn’t be more wrong...

maandag 3 oktober 2016

The cruising life? Oh, if only we could afford that!

You guys sailed to the Channel Islands? With your own boat? For ten weeks? Wow guys, that’s really cool! And look at those pictures you took! Amazing.. This is quite different from our holidays. Two weeks in some Spanish beach resort, that’s it. Some people are just so lucky. I gotta admit I’m kinda jealous here.